Insurance Development & Solvency II Training 16-17 May 2022

8:17 / 16 Maj 2022

A training programme on Insurance Development and Solvency II for the leaders of the Kosovo Insurance Industry has been developed and will be presented by Pete King of (CEO at Balkan Xchange) and Declan O’Mahony (BCCK Vice Chairman) under the terms of the MoU between BCCK and BKS (the Insurance Bureau of Kosovo).

It will be delivered in Pristina on the 16-17 May 2022.

The Chamber Chairman, Mariano Anthony Davies, commented “We believe that this relationship between BCCK and BKS will strengthen and allow the Kosovo Insurance Market to grow and mature. In this way, our collaboration will bring economic improvements to Kosovo and benefits to its entrepreneurs and citizens.”

Rreth Nesh

Byroja Kosovare e Sigurimit është themeluar me 07.09.2011 nga kompanitë e sigurimit të licencuara për të operuar në Republikën e Kosovës, bazuar në Ligjin Nr.04/L-018 mbi Sigurimin e Detyrueshëm nga Autopërgjegjësia.


Rruga: Rr. Lidhja e Pejës p.n Magjistralja Prishtinë-Fushë 038 603 059 [email protected]